Environmental Policy
Environmental PolicyIt is now generally accepted that human activity is adding to, if not creating 'climate change', therefore it is common-sense to conserve energy and the earth's natural resources. At i3 Underwriting we try to make a positive contribution by encouraging our clients to join with us in developing working practices that are 'environmentally- friendly'. For example, the system is paperless and is designed to enable our client brokers to reduce or even eliminate paper documents. Notes are taken and stored electronically (on triply redundant servers) and all communication is handled electronically - including our policies. Even signatures can be captured on-line, so we don't even use paper for that.
There is more inefficiency in paper documents than just the resources and energy to make the paper. There is the time, expense and energy used in printing, delivering, filing and storing the paper.
As an environmentally-friendly insurance provider, our staff generally work from home using our industry-leading, custom designed software. When we do meet, it is at a transit-friendly location, and all staff are encouraged to take the bus or Skytrain.
We use Apple (Mac) computers, which are more energy-friendly and use more environmentally sensitive materials than the alternatives. See Apple and the environment. for more details.
Environmental Levy
To discourage paper documents, where a Broker requests paper documents from us, will offset the environmental cost by collecting an 'Environmental Levy' on each policy. The fee will be $5 per policy. 100% of the fee will be used to purchase 'Carbon Credits'. We will not retain any of the fee, nor benefit from the 'Carbon Credits' purchased.
What are 'Carbon Credits'? They are a mechanism for offsetting the cost to the environment of carbon pollution. Fees collected by us will purchase Carbon Credit, the money paid for those Carbon Credit is used to fund projects to reduce carbon emissions. The aim being that the carbon produced in a given activity is at least offset by the carbon reduction initiatives funded by the Carbon Credit purchased.