"Ship Happens! Insure your cargo with Stock Throughput Insurance.”
To download an application please click here. Don’t be put off by the “ugly” name - we prefer the simple title “inventory insurance”, which is why our coverage is called “Stock Throughput Insurance”.
Stock Throughput Insuranceis a single policy that insures a company’s raw materials and its inventory from the source of production to its final destination, whether at a place of storage or a retail store, or in transit to an end user. Cover includes raw materials, work in progress during the manufacturing phase, and finished products - anywhere in the world. Stock Throughput Insurancecombines traditional insurance policies - ocean cargo insurance; aviation cargo; inland transit; property/storage; business interruption - into a single policy. The benefits of Stock Throughput Insurancecoverage are:
Seamless asset protection throughout the insured's supply chain, from purchase of raw materials to finished product inventory
Designed for companies that manufacture, import, distribute, or export merchandise
Almost any type of business can benefit from Stock Throughput Insurance- we can cover almost everything that is shipped from raw materials, foods, produce, to finished products such as autos - even hazardous materials, unusually large loads and biotech material
“All Risks” cover for all moveable goods (inventory) that are the subject of the insured’s trade, including raw materials, semi-finished, and finished products
Removing stock and inventory values from traditional fixed Property insurance frees-up expensive “catastrophe” insurance capacity.
Goods are covered at all times whether being manufactured or assembled, in transit, or in storage at owned or third party premises
Stock Throughput Insurancecombines the traditionally separately purchased insurance policies of marine cargo, inland transit and stock property insurance, providing seamless asset protection throughout the insured’s supply and distribution chain
Stock Throughput Insuranceis one global policy versus several policies = simple, easier risk and policy management.No potential 'gap' in insurance, no disputes as to which insurer is responsible, and a seamless claims settlement
More efficient risk management, i.e. one policy versus several policies
Better pricing is possible with a single policy
Better deductible levels
Stock Throughput Insuranceprovides capacity for catastrophe perils, such as windstorm, flood and earthquake shock, where little may otherwise be available
Stock Throughput Insuranceeliminates the need to purchase a separate, stand alone cargo policy, thus freeing up those dollars to be used to enhance the client's core property coverage
Stock Throughput Insuranceoffers the option of a Selling Price valuation basis that includes the insured’s mark-up, thus reducing the need for Business Interruption insurance
Stock Throughput Insurancecan be extended to cover the deposit the Insured has paid for goods which are then damaged by an insured peril before they are received by the insured, e.g. when the goods are damaged by a fire at the manufacturer’s factory before the insured has title
Contingent business interruption can be added, e.g. for the delay of a start-up business due to loss or damage to inventory
The risk of increased costs incurred in obtaining alternative warehousing following loss or damage to inventory can be covered by means of Extra Expense coverage
Coverage for goods detained by governments can be provided. Coverage for goods which cannot be accessed because of a governmental or civil authority denying the Insured access to the goods because of an insured peril can be covered, even though the goods themselves are not physically damaged
Business Interruption exposure under non-marine property policies, and therefore less cover is required and overall premium costs are reduced
Capacity to excess of CAD 500,000,000 any one loss any one location
Stock Throughput Insuranceoffers flexibility of coverage, which can be on a stand-alone basis, a dual cover basis (with the use of joint loss and joint deductible clauses), an excess basis or as reinsurance, either for a commercial insurer, or for a captive insurer
Why should your client buy Stock Throughput Insuranceinsurance?
The benefits of Stock Throughput Insuranceare many. When a business depends on raw materials, a manufacturing process, shipping and warehousing, it cannot afford to wait for insurers to battle out their legal disputes before it is reimbursed for damaged or stolen inventory. Stock Throughput Insuranceprovides one policy and one insurer for your clients’ needs, door to door over land and sea, so your clients’ goods are good to go!
The Wrap-Up Liability policy covers owner's and contractor's interests in a single policy for a specific construction project. These interests include contractors, owners, architects, engineers, sub-trades, and more. The Wrap-Up policy removes the necessity for separate policies for each party, since all parties are protected by the Wrap-up policy, thus greatly simplifying the settlement of claims by eliminating lengthy litigation to establish blame.
With i3's Wrap-Up Policy we are able to offer broad coverage standard on most policies. These coverages include:
Products and Completed Operations including 24 months past the project termination date
Sudden and Accidental Pollution Coverage
Non-Owned Auto Liability
Tenants' Legal Liability
Fire Fighting Expense
Voluntary Medical Payments
With this product i3 is able to quote on small and large risks and for most construction types including frame, masonry, and fire resistive. Annual polices are also available
Minimum Premium: $1,250
Commission: 15%
If you would like to send a submission click here. Email i3 >
This comprehensive package is designed to cover all types of alternative medical risks. From Acupuncture to Zumba Instructors and everything in between.
i3 Wellness is a single seamless policy that covers:
Commercial General Liability
Including Products Liability
Medical Malpractice
Abuse coverage
Property coverages
Complete with extension package
Pricing for this product is very competitive with premiums as low as $125!
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