The services that
i3 Underwriting Services ("
i3") provides to you are subject to the Terms of Use ("Terms").
i3 reserves the right to update the Terms at any time without notice to you.
Corporate LicensingBrokerages/Agencies shall hold the appropriate insurance licence in the jurisdiction which they are located.
Individual LicensingAll agents and staff of your brokerage/agency that handle risks submitted to us shall hold the appropriate insurance licence.
Professional Indemnity InsuranceYour agency shall maintain a minimum of $1,000,000 per event of Professional Indemnity insurance in full force and effect or the legislated minimum, whichever is the greater.
Other MarketsAny other insurance company used in conjunction with
i3 on a policy or quotation must be a licensed Canadian insurance company that is licensed to do business in the jurisdiction in which the risk is located. These insurance companies must have a Standard & Poor's rating of no less than C.
Any other insurance market or intermediary used in conjunction with
i3 on a policy or quotation must be a licensed to do business in the jurisdiction in which the risk is located.
Environmental LevyEnvironmental Levy: Where the Broker requires
i3 to issue paper policy documents, a fee shall be charged of $5 per policy. For more information please see the
Environmental Policy,
Utmost Good FaithAll information received by
i3 for the purposes of a submission, quotation, bind order/policy or otherwise is done so assuming utmost good faith by all parties.
Privacyi3 abides by the Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA"). Any persons or office dealing with
i3 must also abide by the these acts. For full details please visit
Privacy Policy.
Hold-harmlessYour brokerage/agency shall hold
i3, it employees, and associates harmless in the event of any action which relates to an error or omission in the placement of the insurance for the client and further agrees to reimburse
i3, it employees, and associates for expenses of any kind that
i3 incurs as the result of any action relating to an error or omission unless the action is caused by the negligence of
i3 or its employees or associates.
No Delegation of AuthorityIt is understood that your brokerage/agency has no authority to bind insurance, issue or sign any binders, cover notes, policies, endorsements, or certificates of insurance on behalf of
PremiumYour brokerage/agency shall pay the premium to
i3 within thirty (30) days of the effective date of binding the insurance coverage(s) or sooner as may be required on a case by case basis, deducting only the commission (if any) that is agreed upon between the broker and
i3. The broker agrees to pay using
i3’s statements. Your brokerage/agency shall compensate
i3 for any uncollected or non-collectable earned premiums (including any taxes, fees or commissions) that
i3 is required to pay the insurer.
Submission Policy
i3 will accept submissions 60 days in advance of the expiry date. Submissions must have complete information relative to the risk being submitted. If no expiry date is given or there is insufficient information the submission will not be officially logged until this is provided. It is solely at
i3's discretion to what constitutes sufficient information.
Policy Feei3 reserves the right to charge a Policy Fee.
News Feedsi3 provides news feed RSS service feeds at no charge for both personal and commercial use and on an "as-is" basis. Any user that chooses to view this service specifically acknowledges and agrees that
i3 is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the news feed service.
i3 Underwriting Services is a registered tradenames of Specialty Program Group Canada Inc.